Saturday, June 26, 2010

Spinal Manipulation....Not Just for Chiropractors

Over the last several years there have been challenges in the various state legislatures against the physical therapy profession via legislation promoted by chiropractors attempting to prohibit qualified physical therapists from performing spinal manipulation - a technique that has been part of the PT scope of practice since its inception.

Spinal manipulation is not designated as being under the exclusive domain of any one specific profession or group of practitioners. Physical therapists, chiropractors, medical doctors, and osteopathic physicians are all educated and trained to employ manipulation within the scope of their respective licenses and in a manner that protects the public's health, safety and welfare. It is inappropriate for one profession to attempt to "own" a specific technique or dictate clinical practice through such legislation.

This was a statement by the APTA (American Physical Therapy Association). I believe that a patient can benefit from a manipulation if they fall under the clinical prediction rule. If your neck or back hurts or feels still, schedule an appointment with a physical therapist that is skilled in manual therapy. Not only will you get "hands-on" treatment but you will also receive exercises and education to help this problem from recurring.

